This image gallery was created by the Synthetic Reality Gallery Builder freeware
This is a gallery of three dozen drawings that I made recently. Most of them were done in traditional media which was then scanned, but some were made in the digital realm using Photoshop CC. The gallery was created by providing text information like this descriptive paragraph to the Gallery Builder dialogs, and by selecting and uploading the image content that comprises the gallery itself.
Click an image to see it full screen.
Alice Day 1886
This file is named Alice Day 1886.jpg.
Bipartisan Mon
This file is named Bipartisan Monkey.jpg.
This file is named Cleaver.jpg.
Cor Jaring.jpg
This file is named Cor Jaring.jpg.
This file is named Cowabunga.jpg.
Crackers 2.jpg
This file is named Crackers 2.jpg.
This file is named Crackers.jpg.
Critical Adjus
This file is named Critical Adjustment.jpg.
Donny Dork the
This file is named Donny Dork the Orc.jpg.
This file is named Enlightenment.jpg.
This file is named Floater.jpg.
This file is named Hanging Out.jpg.
Homeward bound
This file is named Homeward bound.jpg.
Hot Buffalo Wi
This file is named Hot Buffalo Wings.jpg.
Hot Water.jpg
This file is named Hot Water.jpg.
This file is named Jafari.jpg.
This file is named Judas.jpg.
Just another f
This file is named Just another face In the crowd or the Blue Man after dark.jpg.
This file is named Lambchops.jpg.
This file is named Mayhem.jpg.
Parry and thru
This file is named Parry and thrust.jpg.
Red Moon High
This file is named Red Moon High Orbit.jpg.
This file is named Respect.jpg.
Reusable Baby.
This file is named Reusable Baby.jpg.
Sanguine Ascen
This file is named Sanguine Ascent.jpg.
Sharpie Hare.j
This file is named Sharpie Hare.jpg.
This file is named Shell.jpg.
Ten Dollar Hou
This file is named Ten Dollar Hound.jpg.
The Cat Lady.j
This file is named The Cat Lady.jpg.
The gaze.jpg
This file is named The gaze.jpg.
The girl at th
This file is named The girl at the clinic.jpg.
This file is named The Stretch.jpg.
This file is named Toucan.jpg.
Vector 17 Infi
This file is named Vector 17 Infiltrator.jpg.
White Rabbit.j
This file is named White Rabbit.jpg.
Alice Day 1886.jpg
This file is named Alice Day 1886.jpg. Alice, dear dear Alice, the ever so lovely Alice. Alice was an incorrigible recidivist and flagrant in her self indulgent hedonism. And yet, even and in spite of that, a tryst with a White Rabbit? Really? She thought not.
White Rabbit was crushed. And that more by the laughing way she spurned his advances than he might have been by a simple rejection of his suggestion.
Day 1886 Daily Drawing Challenge reference photoshop digital. Alice is a player in a story, along with White Rabbit, even Caterpillar gets an off screen mention.
Bipartisan Monkey.jpg
This file is named Bipartisan Monkey.jpg.
This file is named Cleaver.jpg. "Did you know that this will sever bone and sinew and muscle with relative ease? Fine steel, and well balanced, comfortable to the hand. And well sharpened too. Did you see how clean that cut was? But I digress... What was it that you wanted?"
"And for Pete's sake, would ya please stop gawking at the dragon chick? It'll bleed out soon enough now."
Day 1865 Daily Drawing challenge reference So I got adventurous on this one. This is 11x14 inch Canson XL MixMedia paper with a Wolff's B Carbon pencil held in an overhand grip gesture inked with a 5/0 brush and ink wash by #7 round taper over some Colerase pencil. Then I added my dragon and der rat in photochop.
Cor Jaring.jpg
This file is named Cor Jaring.jpg. Drawing after "Cor Jaring photographed by Stephan Vanfleteren
Day 1875 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is General's sanguine pastel stick on Strathmore Toned Gray paper 9x12, quick gesture.
This file is named Cowabunga.jpg. Cowabunga? Whatzat?
Day 1864 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is carmine red colerase pencil inked with a Speedball C-5 and a C-6 dip nib, ink wash with a round #7 tapered brush
Crackers 2.jpg
This file is named Crackers 2.jpg. Crackers
Day 1870 daily drawing challenge reference This is a Wolff's B Carbon pencil in an overhand grip on a sheet of crackerbox cardboard, about 6x8. Aged him up couple years.
This file is named Crackers.jpg. Crackers, early on and already a curmudgeon.
Day 1870 Daily Drawing Challenge reference, take 2 This one is a Sanfords Ebony Design pencil on the other half of the cracker box, about 6x8
Critical Adjustment.jpg
This file is named Critical Adjustment.jpg. Critical Adjustment
Day 1871 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is Colerase blue pencil inked with a Speedball C-6 dip nib and ink wash by brush, some wet brushed color pencil for tone. This time I used dilute ink for all of it, including the linework. All on Strathmore 9x12 Drawing paper.
Donny Dork the Orc.jpg
This file is named Donny Dork the Orc.jpg. Donny Dork the Orc
day 1846 daily drawing challenge reference photo Speedball C-6 dip nib inks over vermillion Colerase pencil gesture. Shaded with Colerase pencil. Photoshop. Canson 9x12 XL Drawing paper.
This file is named Enlightenment.jpg. "Enlightenment? Why yes, just over that hill on the left."
Day 1839 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is ink from a Staedtler pigment liner and ink wash with brush over my pencil gesture, 8.5X11 Canson Drawing paper.
This file is named Floater.jpg. I told you. He slipped on that hose and whacked his head, and when he tried to get up he stumbled and fell into the pool. We saw him from the upstairs window. By the time we got down here he was floating there, just like he is now. We never even saw him try to do anything.
Hanging Out.jpg
This file is named Hanging Out.jpg. Hanging Out
Day 1887 Daily Drawing Challenge reference Quick gesture with a 0.5mm mech pencil held like a wand on Strathmore 9x12 Drawing paper.
Homeward bound.jpg
This file is named Homeward bound.jpg.
Hot Buffalo Wings.jpg
This file is named Hot Buffalo Wings.jpg. Hot Buffalo Wings
Day 1878 and day 1892 daily drawing challenge mashup digital
Hot Water.jpg
This file is named Hot Water.jpg. Hot water, cold water, water in between hot and cold. It didn't seem to matter. Sooner or later the specimens always stopped paddling about and simply drowned. A most peculiar situation indeed.
And what was with all that arm waving they seemed to be given to? They didn't understand Universal, so any attempt at communication was not likely to succeed. But they sure were noisy for such little bugge... See More
This file is named Jafari.jpg. Everyone agreed, it was just bad luck. They said the flash was memorable, albeit short lived. Then they'd all laugh about how none of them were old enough to have seen it. Jafari had been here for quite some time now, and he still didn't understand what was so funny.
Nothing here was funny to Jafari, and the glorat was just another example of the unfathomable humor everyone here seemed to enjoy. Glorats were shrewd and they would cheat you if they could. And they were given to a vicious bent if you complained, the only polite and acceptable protest being to laugh. But business was business, and Jafari was goal oriented.
This file is named Judas.jpg. And so, with the cold eyes of Judas upon him, "Could you please not stare at me like that!" is what he said.
Day 1841 Daily Drawing Challenge reference Ink brush over 8B Castell Jumbo 9000 graphite on Canson 9x12 Drawing paper. This was a lot of fun.
Just another face In the crowd or the Blue Man after dark.jpg
This file is named Just another face In the crowd or the Blue Man after dark.jpg.
This file is named Lambchops.jpg. By the time she was five years of age the child was prescient enough to realize that most everyone was obviously and merely a sacrificial lamb, and so it was that she imagined herself throughout the course of most of her activities. But she had a darker side, a side that had seen more chalk outlines than most adults would see in a lifetime.
Lambchops. It was a cute nickname and far more accurate than anyone suspected.
Day 1868 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is Colerase blue pencil gesture with an ink wash and the ink linework with a Speedball C-5 dip nib, all on Strathmore 9x12 Drawing paper. Then I made the balloon, my first 3D sculpt, and added it in Photoshop.
This file is named Mayhem.jpg. Can you spell mayhem?
Day 1838 Daily Drawing Challenge reference 2B 0.5mm mech pencil, Staedtler pigment liner (india ink), and wet brushed color pencil on Canson Drawing paper, adjusted in photochop
Parry and thrust.jpg
This file is named Parry and thrust.jpg. She spoke softly, but unmistakably. "It is all about parry and thrust. And yet, more about the thrust than the parry. The thrust must be clean and penetrating. It is not to provoke a response as is the parry. No, the thrust is intended to bring a clean end, a quick and painless end. A decisive conclusion. In that sense it is to be seen as merciful and only the wielder of the blade is to have an ex... See More
Red Moon High Orbit.jpg
This file is named Red Moon High Orbit.jpg.
This file is named Respect.jpg. "You want respect? I'll give you some respect! But worthless, honey worthless don't get very much respect. Man up and get wit the program ya old dirtbag! Respect... you for real fool?"
Mota was the latest in a series of Motivational Androids marketed by Andro more for advertisement humor than for any real intended use, but the model had become an unusual hit in the market. People were crediting the sassy droid with rejuvenating their purposeful lives and she became a leading seller.
Day 1845 daily drawing challenge reference This is ink with a C-6 Speedball dip nib over red Colerase pencil gesture. toned with coffee but not very well, some additional pencil. all wet brushed
Reusable Baby.jpg
This file is named Reusable Baby.jpg.
Sanguine Ascent.jpg
This file is named Sanguine Ascent.jpg. The Sanguine Ascent
day 1873 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is General's sanguine stick pastel on Strathmore Drawing paper 9x12
Sharpie Hare.jpg
This file is named Sharpie Hare.jpg. Sharpie Hare
Day 1872 Daily Drawing Challenge reference Sharpie on Strathmore 12x9 Drawing paper + photoshop
This file is named Shell.jpg. Shell was always there, always ready with her suggestions. With her assistance, her advice, he could fly this thing straight through hell and never scorch a wingtip.
Ten Dollar Hound.jpg
This file is named Ten Dollar Hound.jpg. Ten Dollar Hound
Day 1874 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This was a quick gesture with a General's sanguine pastel stick on Strathmore 12x9 Drawing paper
The Cat Lady.jpg
This file is named The Cat Lady.jpg. The Cat Lady
Day 1857 daily drawing challenge reference This is a B Wolff's carbon pencil and Prismacolor white gesture on Strathmore 400 Toned Gray paper 9x12
The gaze.jpg
This file is named The gaze.jpg.
The girl at the clinic.jpg
This file is named The girl at the clinic.jpg.
The Stretch.jpg
This file is named The Stretch.jpg. The stretch
Day 1848 daily drawing challenge reference this is carmine red colerase pencil and Speedball C-6 dip nib ink 8.5 x 11 Canson XL Drawing paper
This file is named Toucan.jpg. Toucan
Day 1835 daily Drawing Challenge reference This is ink and wet brushed pencils on 9x12 Canson Drawing paper.
Vector 17 Infiltrator.jpg
This file is named Vector 17 Infiltrator.jpg. Vector 17 Infiltrator
Day 1858 Daily Drawing Challenge reference This is in Wolff's Carbon pencil B hardness, touch of Prismacolor white, and Colerase green on Strathmore Toned Gray drawing paper 9x12
White Rabbit.jpg
This file is named White Rabbit.jpg. White Rabbit hit the skids in a bad way after Alice's mocking rejection. Often he was so intoxicated on one substance or another that his grip on reality became tenuous.
And always, always there were these visions of Alice. No matter where he looked he saw her there, laughing at him. His bitter tears did not wash away his pain, did not assuage his angst.
Over time White Rabbit became embittered and conflicted in his feelings. Certainly the drugs didn't help his lucidity.
Day 1889 daily drawing challenge reference, the rabbit costumed figure 2B 0.5mm mech pencil on Strathmore 9x12 drawing paper for the rabbit composited onto a digital matte.